
The North Canton Chapel sees the personal involvement in missions as the reason for the existence of the church.

We also believe that short-term mission teams can make an incredible impact on the mission field. We believe that God has specifically laid individuals, communities and countries we visit on our hearts. It is our desire to share the great Gospel to all God would place in our path in our county, the United States and Globally.

Local Mission Opportunities

Care & Connect (Foster our Community)
Care & Connect (Foster our Community)

Second Thursday of Every Month from 7PM-9PM

a night of support, encouragement & connection for foster, adoptive and kinship moms.

Comfy Cozies
Comfy Cozies

Comfy Cozies is a group that crochets, knits, and sews. Items are then given to many local and global organizations. To get involved contact info@ncchapel.com or call 330.494.3419

  • Oct 30 from 6-7:30PM
  • Nov 12 from 10AM-11:30AM
  • Nov 27 from 6-7:30PM

Local & National

James Talbert
The Vincent House/Citizens Akron

James is a proud member of the Middlebury neighborhood where he lives with his wife Julia and daughter Jada. It’s his great privilege to be a pastor and founding member at Citizens Akron Church. James is alumni of Malone University & Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. James enjoys long conversations, finely curated playlists, and giving hell a really hard time in Akron!

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise: For the fundraiser in August and for all of the Vincent House staff
  • Pray for the Vincent House as fall programming begins and kids and teens adjust to a new school year
  • That the work on the dance studio on the second level of the Vincent House will be completed before the fall season begins

Michael and Teresa Brown
Cru- BGSU, Ohio

Michael and Teresa minister at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) as a part of Cru (the campus ministry whose presence and proclamation connects with thousands of undergraduate and graduate students each year).  They are also involved in Regional Foster Care Community, SEARCH  Residential Community (spiritual residence hall at BGSU), Vanguard Men’s Organization, their Bowling Green Neighborhood Missional Community, the Campus Multifaith Alliance and BGSU Athletics.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praises: Our family celebration of our 5 graduates went well! All of the graduates have transitioned well into their next season and we are so grateful!
  • Michael’s group of 5 students have continued to read the Bible and interact with each other throughout the summer. Their new-found faith is inspiring and so contagious!
  • We have hosted 188 people (not counting any family members) for a meal and time in our backyard! We remain so thankful for the opportunity to serve people in this way!
  • Prayer: Michael is currently in Kentucky, hosting a leadership workshop for 1700 Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity brothers from across the country, for their national convention. Pray for some great conversations and a resolve to be leaders in their respective chapters.
  • for all the logistics, great conversations and a memorable time of rest and refreshment together as our two children still living at home and some additional family members take a cruise to New England and Canada.

Mike Hepler
Christ Led Communities (CLC), Ohio

Mike (from North Canton Chapel), travels to area churches in Ohio to help establish men’s ministries using the CLC material. He equips men to be leaders based on growing relationships with Christ developed through men studying God’s word together.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for all the men in CLC groups both forming and already meeting that the Holy Spirit will work His way in their hearts and for these men to become equipped to “teach others” as they have been taught… making disciples who make disciples.
  • For my upcoming appointments with men. – That their hearts would be soft and seeking something different for fulfilment… that only Jesus can fill.

Richard and Sandy Lewis/
Lewis Cross Cultural Training, Inc., Arkansas & International

The Lewis’ lived in Kenya for 14 years, working among tribal groups. For the past 25 years, Richard has taken his wealth of pastoral and missions experience to teach and coach missionaries and spiritual leaders in over twenty countries. Although they live in the U.S.,  Richard is often in Kenya, India, Nepal, and many other parts of the world, teaching nationals to go cross culturally to share God’s word.  He teaches sessions for Perspectives and an online course for a Bible College, and has a weekly podcast with interviews of missionaries around the world. He serves as a resource for churches, helping to establish mission focus.

Ways to Pray:
  • Praise For the time of rest and relaxation with his family last month.
  • Pray for safety and God’s direction as he teaches missionaries in Egypt and Ethiopia this month.


Undisclosed Country in Northern Africa

Works with an organization within the country to establish relationships with nationals in order to share God’s word. She has a heart and passion for relational ministry to those who have suffered great loss in their lives, such as widows, orphans, refugees, etc., She speaks several languages and seizes every opportunity to share the gospel and disciple new believers.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise that I now have strong water pressure allowing hot showers and dish washing!
  • I feel like it was a good start this week into getting back into good rhythms. I’m thankful for the start.
  • Our time as a team/”family” was really fun. They seem like an easy group to have relationships!
  • I had a great visit with Sunny and her family. Her husband told me that he feels a strong prompting from Papi to share his heart with his family and coworkers. And my time visiting Fay was special.
  • Pray that I would get rid of ants in my apartment quickly and permanently!!
  • For my language lessons to increase my fluency and accuracy and grow my vocabulary, but also deepen my relationship with Hailey.
  • For various visits with locals here
  • That I would walk trusting Papi and not walk in fear. That I would be gentle as a bird and wise as a fox making the most of every opportunity.
  • That I’d get back into good rhythms with Papi, stretching, daily exercise, and healthy eating.

Sid and Stephanie
Undisclosed Country in West Asia

Stephanie (originally from North Canton Chapel)  and her husband “Z” (native to the region) have been living and working among the people for six years. They both work in translation for un-written and un-translated dialects and language groups. Their work includes training nationals in oral and written translation of the Word. They use and teach “storying”  in a local dialect and context to share with people in a community; these people can then share these stories with others—a form of teaching that reaches far and produces growth. They also work with locals to train and prepare written translation for un-written and un-translated dialects and languages.

Ways to Pray:

  • For the translation project that has begun in one local language, and the three storying projects.
  • For the encouragement received. “We are grateful for each of you, your time, care, and thoughtful provision for our needs.”
  • Pray that new alphabet proposals will be accepted by communities.
  • For someone to help with childcare.

Mark and Gina Schmidt / Educate BV

The Schmidt Family family serves the people of Buena Vista, Guatemala.  They host an educational center, Centro Educativo DeepStream, which currently works within the daily routines of the public middle school, a private advanced study program for additional students in BV (grades 1st-12th), preschool program, medical clinic, and other health initiatives.  Their vision is to train the future men and women who will lead Buena Vista – spiritually, mentally, and physically.   Mark and Gina minister as a family as they work daily in Buena Vista.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise for the NCC team that came in July and for all of the church’s support
  • Pray: for continued growth in our staff and students and all that God’s doing
  • For a few teams still on the calendar for the end of the year and we want to close out the year strong

New Pines Seminary

New Pines is a Cuban denomination that is based solidly on God’s Word.   The seminary campus in Oliver is used for both training young men and women, denominational meetings, summer camps, and celebrations.  The focus of the seminary is to train, disciple, and send leaders and pastors throughout Cuba and as missionaries to other countries.  Their goal is to enable the formation and multiplication of reproductive healthy churches that impact society with the gospel.

Ways to Pray:
  • Praise for the youth camps! It was incredible to see how the young people were challenged with regarding intimacy with God, dying to self and the Lordship of Christ, good relationships with God and our neighbors and Evangelism and compassion for those who do not know Jesus. It was a great impact on the youth and many decisions were made.
  • Pray for these young people to grow in their faith and obedience to God
  • For the national projects that are being formulated, that many more people with come to faith in Jesus
  • For seminary teachers and funding; for more students to enroll
  • For the first class of the year in September: Galatians.

Brett / Operation Mobilization
Undisclosed Country in the Middle East

Brett (originally from North Canton Chapel) serves with Operation Mobilization and works with a people group who have been unreached for the last 1400 years. He and his team are very proactive in sharing the good news face-to-face, through discipleship, and through media. He also reaches out to a wider audience online through a media project and podcasts.  In addition to sharing his faith with students and leading studies in God’s Word, Brett acts as a team leader for younger men of various nationalities.

Ways to Pray:

  • For me as I lead a media ministry geared toward the majority faith. We want to reach as many people as possible with high-quality, Christ-centered content. Pray that God will continue to bless and lead me in that.
  • For the community of local believers that I am a part of. I want to see spiritual growth and maturity, a greater sense of responsibility and leadership from our local guys, and for more people to come to faith in Jesus and join us in our fellowship.
  • For me to be filled with the Spirit and walk by faith and not by sight. Pray that my eyes would be fixed on Jesus and pray for a real spiritual waking here.

Dave and Anne / ABWE International
Undisclosed Country in the Mediterranean

Dave and Anne are involved in discipleship and church planting through methods including weekly home group meetings with gospel presentations for national believers and those that are not-yet believers; one-on-one discipleship meetings; mentoring new families serving in career overseas work; working alongside congregations to train nationals in leadership (B. study, sermon preparation, and worship leadership) and helping to identify leaders for various roles within those congregations.

Ways to Pray:
  • Pray for all to seek after the One True God, especially since everything else they’ve been trusting in to keep them safe has failed.
  • For those who have walked through the turmoil and unimaginable events surrounding our region. Also pray for the Holy Spirit to guard and heal their hearts and minds.
  • For our congregation as we seek non-profit tax-exempt status as a “house of prayer.”
  • For our travels in the States and for our children and their families as God leads and works in their lives.

Nate and Rachael Stone / Love Restored
Dominican Republic

The Stones (originally from North Canton Chapel) created an organization named Love Restored which endeavors to create a bilingual rescue center for women caught in the sex trade.  Their prayer is to build relationships with these women that display the gospel of Jesus Christ in everyday life. They seek to take an active role in their development as independent, self-supporting, Christ-following adults resulting in a Gospel movement throughout the Dominican Republic.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise: Nate received an ALL-CLEAR from his doctor and has been released!
  • Prayer: The Stones are back in DR, and kids start school 8/12. Pray for adjustments for all!
  • Funds are still needed to complete the church building project.
  • For their ministry in the church, ESL program, and with the safe houses.

Tim and Fern Talley / Gospel Seed Network

Tim Talley, originally from North Canton Chapel, has the goal to move people in Southeast Asia towards maturity in Christ, seeing the expanse of His name, and helping kingdom minded men and women respond to the dreams and visions God is calling them towards.

Gospel Seed Network has partners which include churches, orphanages and government schools, and helps meet tangible needs of the people in multiple communities in Southeast Asia. They have a Bible Institute, English class, life skills class, music class, offer scholarships to underprivileged children who are at risk of being trafficked, plant organic churches, and coach people to become leaders within their families/communities so they can begin and continue the mission of God among their own people

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for Fern’s mom healing from cancer
  • The healthy delivery of Tobias Timothy Theera Talley (Toby)
  • for alertness after being wakened every two hours through the night!
  • for regular day to day ministry, leadership and sending of those being discipled

Micah and Emily Griffith- ABWE

Micah, Emily and their four children, Silas, Eden, Olive and Amos are our newest mission partners.

Micah has been a young adult pastor in Virginia for the past seven years.

He and Emily have felt called to be serving Jesus in the country of Poland. They will be church planting through evangelism, discipleship, and national partners.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise for Grandpa and Mimi being able to visit our family and see the ministry opportunities and tour Gdansk, Poland.
  • For the team from our sending church who spent a week with the church plant.
  • For the Kid’s English Club teaching English to Ukrainians and running a VBS type program
  • Pray as the search for a pastor for the church plant in Tczew continues.
  • As the team evaluate the first year and plans for future.
  • That the people attending the church will accept Jesus as Savior

Local Partners

The Pregnancy and Parenting Center

In January, 2022, The Pregnancy & Parenting Center, formerly Pregnancy Choices, adopted a new name to more accurately describe the services taking place at our 22nd Street location. Here, moms and dads receive support, supplies and parenting education. TPAPC is a proud member of the Pregnancy Support Network consisting of The Pregnancy & Parenting Center, Akron Pregnancy Services, Eva Women’s Clinic—Canton and Akron, and Hope and Healing.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for our Eva Women’s Clinic team. They are very busy and they hear and see so much.
  • For our team as several things are happening internally:
    • Our Director of Central Operations, Angela Harrison, and her spouse, Aaron, just adopted a baby. Pray for their adjustment and for good health for this infant
    • Our Finance Manager, Alan, had a medical emergency two weeks ago and was hospitalized for a couple of days. Please pray for his health.
    • For our open positions of Church Relations Coordinator and Central Operations Director, that Jesus sends us the perfect candidates to serve Him.
  • For successful fourth quarter fundraising efforts so we are able to continue to provide all services free to our clients a nd patients.
RAHAB Ministries

RAHAB is God’s continuing story of setting people free physically and spiritually. With an 18-year history of providing cutting-edge trauma informed services to survivors of and those vulnerable to human sex-trafficking, RAHAB Ministries is dedicated to offering hope and healing for broken and exploited women  and children and filling gaps in service for the most vulnerable.

Their adult Drop-In Centers, intentionally right in the middle of the drug activity and street level trafficking in Akron and Canton, provide space that offers respite from factors that enslave. Women stop in for family-style meals, Bible Studies, encouragement and friendship. They shop the free clothes closet and receive donated hygiene items.

Ways to Pray:

  • Pray for the continued search for the new CEO
  • The retreat coming up next weekend(August 16-18). This is when Rahab takes ladies from the drop-in homes to be in community to learn about Jesus.
  • Unity among Rahab leadership
  • Survivors without a home for a safe place to sleep
Refuge of Hope Canton

Refuge of Hope is a faith-based, non-profit, Christian rescue mission providing safe, sober, emergency transitional shelter for men and hot, nutritious meals for hungry men, women, and children in Stark County. Homeless men receive hot showers, clothing and access to counseling in a safe and clean dormitory-style shelter.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise for groups coming in to help with special projects.
  • For North Canton Chapel paint day coming up. • For the men coming along side residents.
  • For increased hot meals, bedded nights and clothing shoppers over last year.
  • Pray for preparations for the annual Fundraiser Gala, November 8th
  • For interviews for the vacant Volunteer Coordinator position.
  • That devotions given before each meal will touch the hearts of the meal ministry guests & that many will hunger and thirst after Jesus
  • That those residents and guests dealing with mental and physical needs.
Hammer and Nails

Hammer & Nails grew out of a temporary ministry in North Industry Christian Church partnered with Group WorkCamps to host a week-long camp in both 1995 and 1998. The purpose of the camps was to assist disadvantaged Stark Count homeowners with home and property repairs and maintenance. As a result of these camps, over 400 youth nationwide assisted over 100 homeowners.

The success of the work-camps, along with encouragement from the community, led to the creation of Hammer & Nails, Inc. as an independent 501(c)3 organization. To date, over 1700 homeowners in Stark County have been helped, but the need for assistance is still great.

Ways to Pray:

  • Praise: One recent homeowner that Hammer & Nails helped, Charles, was in dire straits. His house had numerous code violations and had no way to address them. H&N was able to carry out numerous emergency repairs to the exterior of his home. Look at the Hammer & Nails Facebook page to see the amazing transformation that occurred when local volunteers came to help.
  • Prayer: Hammer & Nails was featured in Monday’s edition of the Canton Repository. Pray that this publicity would spur interest and involvement in this ministry.
Rooted Kent

Rooted invests in the overall long-term health of families in the Historic South End of Kent, Ohio, by serving as a community resource center where families and individuals regularly come together to learn, grow, and connect. Rooted helps facilitate and provide a wide range of programs that promote youth development through mentorship and skill-building; provide comprehensive and compassionate support for seniors addressing physical, emotional and spiritual needs; and act as a connection point for families to support and care for one another including academic support, employment and job training, health and wellness activities, and cultural events. Rooted does this work in the name of Jesus, who modeled a life of love, compassion, and service.

Ways to Pray: 

  • Pray that small groups or individuals from local churches would facilitate activities with seniors at two low-income senior apartment buildings. And please pray that the Lord would give the residents at these buildings soft hearts that are open and receptive to the gospel.
  • For the completion of our building. We work every Wednesday from 9-2 and occasionally on Saturdays.
  • For our annual back to school bash at Holden elementary on August 17. Pray for good attendance from families, many donations of school supplies from local churches, and many volunteers to staff the event.
Hope Bridge

Hope Bridge is on a gospel-led mission to mobilize the state of Ohio to step into the crisis within its foster care system by raising awareness and equipping churches and communities in the care and support of vulnerable children and families.

Ways to Pray: 

  • Praise for 67 people that came to the Sound of Hope movie event
  • Pray for more families and churches to partner with Hope Bridge
Eagle Fuel

Eagle Fuel is a local outreach that was birthed from NCC’s desire to serve and care for students in the Plain Local School district who do not always have food or meals readily available. In partnership with Plain Local Schools, each month during the school year, NCC provides 788 meals for 394 students, all which are sorted and packed by volunteers at NCC.

Contact Kelly Odegard for more info at: Eaglefuel@ncchapel.com

Alex Cook

Group & Missions Pastor